Sunday 15 January 2012

Tonight I logged on, cancelled and deleted and signed out of every one of the "sites" I was a member of which are often used to find "lovers."

I am going to Madrid on Thursday, for reasons which no one really knows. It's a new year and I really need to find myself again. Somehow since splitting up with a certain someone a year ago I've been out of touch with my being, my personality, my character, my tastes and interests. I've developed interests that were preferable for others than myself, I've lost the care for the environment that used to be so important to me- my values and morals. I'm going away for four days on Thursday to get that back- to spend time without internet, without family and friends. It sounds so blissful to me, the idea of going to museums, galleries, villages on the outskirts with my headphones on and having no one to answer to.

I hope 2012 is the year that I get back to being myself. I'm the least critical I've ever been at the moment, and I'm really trying to see the good in everyone.
I don't have a partner at the moment but I know that it's going to happen someday. I hope. But if it is going to happen, I want it to be organically. With a man. With a real man, who wears jumpers and has scratches on his hand from manual labour.

But for now, I'm going to continue with university for the next five months, listening to this song daily, hourly... as much as I can, as it reminds me of who I once was.

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Sunday 26 December 2010

es que el mundo que nos rodea es demasiado grande.

como dormiré- solito. take me back to june/july, the time when i knew myself better than ever.

Monday 13 December 2010

; un hombre, una mujer

absolute dynamite babe. tune of my year.

& then:

Tuesday 7 December 2010


fuck you for meaning so much to me.

Monday 6 December 2010

pueblo escondido en la ribera, navarra.

; más de las pocas fotikos que saqué durante mi tiempo en marcilla.

al palacio.

this winter is shaping up to mean catching up with amazing friends and studying. so much studying that i'm not leaving my room till the 17th.

visto desde arriba: